Edenbrooke, by Julianne Donaldson is a must read book. The story will grab you every time! simplyseekingjoy.com

What it is about this book that draws me in every time I pick it up? I’ve read it at least a dozen times and yet, I find myself coming back to it again and again. It’s like an old pair of tennis shoes, comfortable and familiar and you know exactly what to expect. And even though you have countless other newer pairs of shoes, this one still fits the best. And you don’t know why- they just do! That’s how I feel about Julianne Donaldson’s Edenbrooke.  It doesn’t matter that I know the story, it still feels good. 

I cannot possibly be the only who feels this way. Whether it is this same book or another, surely you have a favorite that grabs you each time you open to the first page. I originally read this book when it was published in 2012. I bought the physical book from the bookstore and began reading that evening. As much as I love the convenience of my Kindle, I have a thing for holding a paper book in my hand and turning the pages. I finished Edenbrooke that same night… or rather the next morning. 

I was glued to the characters and the storyline and I had to know how it ended. And once I was finished, I wanted more. I needed a continuing story or an epilogue or something! Three years and many times through the book later, I got my wish. Donaldson created a novelette that followed the beginning of the book from the perspective of the second main character. I’ll take it. It is enough and makes smile. 

I now own my original copy of Edenbrooke, a Kindle version of both Edenbrooke and its companion, Heir to Edenbrooke, as well as the collector’s edition, which compiles both books in one place. Is it overkill? Probably. Does my husband roll his eyes at stuff like that? You can guarantee it. But when you are an avid reader and you find something you love, overkill happens. 

So, tell me I am not alone. Tell me there is someone out there who has a love of books enough to own three copies of it like me. And recommend a book to me that I will love as much as I love this one. Can you knock it down to number two on my list? I’m daring you to try! 🙂

If you’re looking for a copy of this book, come find me- I probably have one you can borrow. Haha! Or you can head to Amazon and grab it HERE