For those less than perfect mom moments.

Here is a favorite quote of mine because some days are just like that! I had an epic mom fail moment recently and thought it might make you laugh and feel better about your less than perfect mom moments.

On the first day of school my son came down stairs complaining of a stomach ache. My first reaction was to tell him he was just nervous and he would feel better soon. Remember it was the first day of school. He stated very matter of fact, that he wasn’t nervous. He wasn’t starting a new school and thus wasn’t scared. He just had a pretty nasty stomach ache all over his belly, sometimes in one place and sometimes in another.

I next told him to go to the bathroom. He did. His stomach still hurt. So, I guess gas pain was ruled out. Me being a nurse, I asked him where he was hurting and did all the tests I knew for appendicitis, etc. All negative. I sent him back to lie down for a bit and he finally stated that his stomach pain was mostly better.

I again marked it off as unrealized nerves and off to school he went with instructions to call me at work if he needed me. He didn’t call so I texted him and checked in periodically throughout the day. He was fine. After school he went to cross-country practice and ran several miles. By the time he got home he wasn’t fine. He had a pretty uncomfortable stomach pain now centralized in his lower right quadrant. Again, me being the nurse, I tested him for the normal appendicitis symptoms and again they were negative but as he was so uncomfortable, off to the emergency department we went, even though I was pretty sure it wasn’t appendicitis. Five hours later and several imaging tests completed, we were on our way into surgery to have an appendectomy.For those less than perfect mom moments.

Less than Perfect Mom Moment

Imagine how silly I felt at this moment. I am a nurse. I sent my kid to school with appendicitis all day long. He ran after school. I blamed it on nerves, then some gas pain. I didn’t want to take him to the ER because I was sure it would just go away. And it didn’t! Awesome Mom award of the year!

Well, ha ha ha, as you know, less than perfect mom moments happen and some days are just like that, I guess.