Making a difference.

Lately I have been contemplating what I can do to make a difference in the world. With so many sad stories and unfortunate events that occur almost daily, I wish I could do something to make the world better.

But what can I do? I’m not a significant person in the world. I don’t have access to unlimited resources. And if I did, who would listen to me? I’m just a small town girl who works hard and wants the best for our beautiful world.


As I was running the other morning I naturally and without thinking bent over to pick up a stray bent nail off the road, a ritual I’ve been doing for many years. I’ve always thought that I was paying it forward to myself, preventing a flat tire in the future. I’ve had enough flats to know how annoying they can be. But how many nails have I bent over to pick up over the years? I’m not sure but probably 100.

Helping Others

If I was preventing flat tires only for myself, that’s a lot of flat tires I’m not going to have. It may not sound like much but as I was picking up that nail I realized that I’ve also been preventing other people from having flat tires, too. Something as silly as picking up a nail when I see one while out for my run can make a difference. Not a big one, I realize, but a difference none the less. Now I’m not just picking up nails but collecting them, too! I want to see what I can do.

Making a Difference

As Easter is coming this week, nails have significance and value in other ways, too. Very beautiful ways. Maybe as you think of Easter and celebrate in whatever way you do, stop and think of what ‘nails’ you can stop to pick up. Your offering may be small, but all of our small acts together can make a difference and change the world, or at least how we see it.