This year one of my kids decided they wanted root beer floats as their birthday dessert. My first thought was, “Awesome! That’s so easy!”  And then I started thinking about the adverse effects of having a birthday dessert that is basically all liquid and served in a cup. How do we sing to her with nowhere to put the candles? What about one of our other kids who doesn’t eat ice cream and doesn’t drink root beer? And the grandparents who were coming to celebrate who might not love floats? Silly things to be worried about, right?

I needed to run to the grocery store to buy more root beer while I contemplated this problem.Root Beer Float Cake from the local grocery store bakery was a huge success! As I walked into our closest store there was a table right at the front littered with baked goods. It’s always there and I usually breeze past, but I glanced over and saw the best thing ever: A&W Root Beer Float Cake. The perfect solution to all my meaningless, made-up problems! It was just what I needed at just the right time. I brought it home and my daughter was thrilled to have an actual cake that went so well with her choice of birthday dessert. It was the perfect compliment to the floats, looked pretty and was super moist and delicious. I will definitely buy it again just because we liked it!  

Had I not been such a procrastinator, I could’ve made a root beer float cake… there are plenty of recipes online.  But why go to the trouble when this one was so good and made my life so easy? (Kind of my mantra in life!) 

*So, you aren’t a fan of root beer? The table at the grocery store also had 7-Up cakes and Sunkist Orange cakes. They looked equally yummy and I was tempted to get one of each! A flavor for everyone, right?!