Egg salad sandwiches are the best way to use up those Easter Eggs!

I bet you have a dozen or so colored Easter eggs taking up residence in your refrigerator right now. This happens to me every year we color eggs! My kids love to color them, but have trouble eating them. I hate to see any food go to waste,  so it’s time to make the best egg salad sandwiches to use them up, don’t you think?

Egg salad sandwiches remind me of my grandma. Isn’t it funny how certain foods can take you straight back to your childhood? When I was young, my grandma frequently made egg salad sandwiches for lunch. She would cut the sandwich into three pieces and would always serve it with a dill pickle on the side. Then, she’d let me choose one of her crazy mugs. I’d always pick the one with the robber sneaking around the handle and a bag of money stuck to the bottom on the inside. She’d fill the mug with lemon-lime soda and I’d drink it with a straw. Then, we’d eat on TV trays in her living room and watch my favorite show. It’s one of my favorite memories. 

My grandma never used a recipe for much, as far as I could tell. Her egg salad was no different. The child in me says there is no better egg salad than hers was. But, the realist adult that I am says mine probably tastes just as good. So, I thought I’d share it with you! 

Egg Salad Sandwiches
Yields 3
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Prep Time
5 min
Total Time
5 min
Prep Time
5 min
Total Time
5 min
  1. 6 Hard boiled eggs, shelled and sliced length and widthwise
  2. 1/4 cup mayonnaise
  3. 2 tsp. mustard
  4. 1 tsp. lemon juice
  5. 2 tsp. dill pickle relish
  6. salt and pepper, to taste
  7. Bread of your choice- I love croissants
  1. In a large bowl, combine all ingredients and mix well.
  2. Spread egg salad on the bread and enjoy!
  1. An egg slicer makes cutting the eggs fast and easy!
Simply Seeking Joy
 And that’s it! Easiest recipe ever.  Don’t let those hard boiled eggs go to waste in your fridge- go have lunch instead! What are you doing with your leftover Easter eggs this year? 🙂