Freezer jam is fast and easy with Instant Pectin!

 I’ve been making freezer jam for more years than I can remember. It is so fast and so simple that you can’t possibly mess it up! And coming from me, that is saying something! My kids won’t even touch store bought jam or jelly anymore- jam snobs? Perhaps, but can you blame them? 

There’s no secret to this recipe. If you know what to look for at the store, anyone can make it. We love strawberry freezer jam at our house, but there are plenty of other fruits that will work! Strawberry just seems to be our staple because I can buy strawberries for cheap at Costco during the spring season. Truth be told, I prefer raspberry, but raspberries aren’t as easy to get and are more expensive in Southern Utah. I usually wait till I can get a 2 lb. container of strawberries for $3.99 and then I buy a ton and make several batches of jam for my freezer. Sometimes we run out and I have to make an “expensive” batch before strawberry season, but most of the time we can make it a whole year on what is in our freezer. 

There are only three ingredients in freezer jam: fruit, sugar and Instant Pectin. Making freezer jam is fast an easy with Instant Pectin!

Instant Pectin is found near the canning section of your grocery store. The instructions are ridiculously simple and are printed right on the bottle of pectin.  I use a food processor to crush my fruit. It just simplifies the process, I think. Add the other two ingredients, mix well and it’s done!

I don’t use anything special to store my freezer jam. I’ve been using the same plastic containers for years, actually. I ladle the mixture into the containers, making sure to leave some space at the top for expansion, then let them sit on my counter for about 15 minutes before I stack them in my freezer. 

There’s nothing so simple and nothing so delicious as homemade freezer jam. Now I should probably find a recipe for SIMPLE homemade bread to go with my jam. Any tips for me? 🙂