I am a people watcher. I love to see how people act, dress, talk, walk, and interact. Through my teenager years and into my 20’s, I used this watching of others unfortunately to compare how I didn’t measure up. I was never as smart, pretty, outgoing, or as funny as others. You know the drill. But through years of self-discovery, I have come to accept me just as I am. I am still not naturally brilliant, but I can study, learn and grow and do hard things which makes me proud of myself. I am not gorgeous but I feel pretty good about myself. I am not outgoing, never will be, but I can communicate with my friends and love talking with them. I am not physically strong, but I can run (ha, ha – kind of a jog) which brings me joy, makes me feel alive, and keeps my heart healthy.

Now I watch people and instead of comparing myself to them I find joy in knowing them. I will never be like one of my friends who is a rock star at the gym. She is a skinny little thing with the strength of a bear and no matter what I do I will never be as strong as her. Yet, I love to hear about the passion she has for her workouts and I encourage her to embrace her buffness. I have lots of sisters, seven pretty cool sisters actually. One in particular is amazing at everything artistic and has an eye to create and design. Can I be like her? Unfortunately, I can never be like her as I am not artistic but I admire her ideas and learn from her which makes me happy. Another of my sisters has an ear for music. She can play anything on the piano and amazingly, doesn’t need music. Again, I don’t have this gift but I sure benefit from it making me giddy when she sits down at the piano. Another of my friends has the greatest personality and laugh, ever! Her smile and attitude light up my world making me grin while just thinking about her joyful and happy stories. If I was still comparing myself with these outstanding ladies, I would never measure up, but how boring would life be if each of my friends was great at the same things! There would be no variety, no reason to get to know each other, no one to lift me up when I’m feeling down. We would all be the same. Of course I’ll never be the greatest at everything or probably anything and will always find someone who is better than me, smarter than me, and prettier than me. But luckily, I don’t need or want to be all of these things as I am just enough. Just plain, getting-older me!

Through my self-discovery I have found I do have amazing skills: I am good at listening to others, asking the right questions and finding their stories. I am great at showing empathy. I love giving compliments. I am fantastic at being open-minded to more than one option. I am selfless and put others’ needs before my own. I am thoughtful and considerate. These aren’t skills that are easily recognized, like some talents are, instead they are often overlooked when compared to other’s widely noticeable abilities. Nevertheless, my skills are me and make me who I am. I encourage you to take the road to self-discovery, as I am doing, and find out who you are. What are you great at? While figuring out about you, stop and notice those you meet as well. Find their skills, their talents, and love them but don’t compare. Instead, share your strengths and just be you! Strangely, with this change in attitude, noticing the good in others will bring you joy.