Get those sports medals out of the box and put them on display. www.simplyseekingjoy.comIt’s finally fall in Southern Utah. Woohoo! With fall comes beautiful weather and the St. George Marathon. The marathon for our family is like another birthday or holiday. We are a running family. And we run a lot. And there are a lot of us. We always have someone in the family as well as friends running the marathon and can’t wait to cheer them on. Check out this post to see why we run!

So what do we do with all of the sports medals from all of the races? I have found what I think is a super fun solution! The solution is an inexpensive shelf/curtain rod. There is no need to spend a lot on this shelf because your goal is to cover it mostly up. The top shelf will be used for trophies or plaques and the rod will be for medals. I love this idea as you can use it for as few or as many sports medals as you have. You can use this sport medal rod/shelf for running, soccer, baseball, etc. Even academic awards will work here.

Now this is not your picture perfect model shelf or anything fancy but just a fun, simple and easy way to show what you’re made of. I also don’t see this as the perfect way to showcase a special medal but for all of the rest, this is what I do and find it quite handy as I can add to it quickly without ever taking it down. This shelf is also quite impressive to look at, especially when you fill it up!

Why Keep all the Sports Medals

So, why keep all the medals? First, I paid for them and they weren’t cheap. Second, I’m proud of all of the hard work each one of the medals represents. Third, seeing the medals helps me realize that we have really accomplished something. Last, I love remembering moments from each of the events and seeing the medals keeps those memories alive. If you don’t display them, what do you do with them? Put them in a box?

No matter if you’re a runner, play soccer, play baseball, or a combination of all, I suggest you find a place to display what you and your family do. Your activities represent such a large portion of time you spend with your family that being proud of the medals and displaying them will definitely bring you joy. Now get out there and earn a medal!

Get those sports medals out of the box and put them on display.