Taking chances that come your way. www.simplyseekingjoy.com

I have yet to regret taking chances that come my way, but always regret not taking these opportunities.

Last week my daughter was running one of her first college cross-country races in California. Due to two other out-of-town trips within two weeks for my high school kids, as well as other school obligations for the kids, I didn’t feel like we could get to one more race. I sadly had to tell her we weren’t coming.

Then plans changed! The morning before her race a friend of mine, another mom to a college runner, called and asked if I wanted to join her for a last-minute trip to watch the race. At first I thought of all the reasons why I couldn’t go, and why we had already decided not to go watch the race. Then my husband said he would hold down the fort and the kids and get them to parades and car washes and told me I should jump on the chance to go and watch. Thanks Scott! And I did without looking back! Later that night when I texted my daughter that I was on my way and saw her response, I was overjoyed that I took the chance. And her hug before the race made me realize how important it was that I was there.

A few years ago we were in the middle of some big life changes: changes in jobs, selling our home, buying a home, changing schools and moving to a new city. We had a lot going on. But, I had the chance and had always wanted to finish school. So, I jumped on the chance at having a university close and signed up. It was hard! Being a returning student in the nursing program with four little kids and working was rough. But I made it and I can’t imagine what my life would be like now if I hadn’t taken that chance. I have the best place to work, the best of friends, a great career, and I love what I do. I love that my kids saw me do something really hard and make it. They know what it takes to do hard things but they now know that it is possible. They also saw the outcome and the importance of an education.

Opportunities that come aren’t always convenient. They sometimes are hard, really hard. But, usually they are also exciting and fun. But I say, take them and don’t look back! Here’s to taking the chances that come your way!

  1. Teresa Peterson

    September 29, 2017 at 7:11 am

    You are an amazing example and it shows by how wonderful your kids are. You are amazing

    1. Selma

      October 8, 2017 at 11:20 pm

      Thanks Teresa! Still trying to get this mothering thing figured out, but trying to enjoy it along the way. Now, if I could just be as fun as you, I’d have it made!

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