Use Wunderlist to help keep your life organized and convenient.

Have you ever been to the grocery store to return and realize you forgot the thing you went to the store for in the first place? I have and it’s quite irritating! So, of course now I make lists. Do you make lists? Like a list for your weekly menu, a list for the books you want to read, a list for your to do stuff, a list of your dreams and of course a list for groceries. 

Try the Wunderlist App

Are you still writing your lists on paper, or do you use your notepad on your phone? Well, either way, I have an even better option! Have you tried the Wunderlist App? If not, you need to! Why, you ask? Well there are many great reasons but, first and my favorite reason is that it connects you to anyone you choose.

This is awesome for when your husband goes to the grocery store on his way home from work. With this app, he can grab the few items he needs but can also see that you have run out of milk or eggs and can pick them up at the same time, saving you a trip. Awesome! Or visa versa, you end up at the grocery store for the milk and eggs and notice that your husband needs doughnuts for work and you pick them up for him, saving him a trip and making you wonder wife. Or yet again, you are at the store and instead of having your kids or husband call you several times to pick up specific items they just remembered they needed for school, they can just add it to the Wunderlist!

Making a List and Checking it Twice

To make this effective, you of course need to make the list on the app under your appropriate grocery tab and then check off the items you pick up. When anyone adds to the list, the other members of the group get a notification that something was added, letting them be aware of the needed item. As the items are picked up and as you check them off your list, the other members of the group are notified that the item was purchased. These notifications are also helpful for the members of the group as they will realize you are currently at the store and can add a last-minute request.

As you can tell, I am not a fan of grocery shopping and thus the less I can go shopping the better! Anything that will save me a trip to the store will also save me a few bucks from impulse shopping as well as the time it took me to go to the store. I’m not a lazy person as it may seem, but rather a very busy person with a full-time job and my other full-time mom job with four busy teenagers who always leave out the details of what is due and when it’s needed. And really, I would rather be playing with the kids or taking a nap than grocery shopping.

I hope you see that Wunderlist is a wonder! I love it as it has made my life easier, more organized, and much less chaotic. The only thing better than making a list is checking it off! Check it out here.

Use Wunderlist to help keep your life organized and convenient.